Survey: Grad students wished they were educated earlier about credit cards
Ярлыки: Survey: Grad students wished they were educated earlier about credit cardsDo you currently face an increasing amount of credit card debt? And do you happen to be in graduate school? In 2006, a college financing company surveyed graduate students in order to determine their card usage statistics. Here are the highlights that I found most intriguing:
* The average balance of graduate student cards is over $8,600
* Only 20% of survey respondents paid off their balance each month
* Ninety-three percent of these students would have appreciated their undergraduate school to have offered financial management classes
* About 94% of these grad students used credit cards to pay for some portion of their direct education expenses, primarily textbooks.
The fact that the average balance is so high is a bit scary. If it’s not paid off, these students could see their interest increase the balance another $1,500 each year!
Of the above points, the latter is the only statistic that we, at StudentPlatinum, would possibly recommend. If you’ve got a low enough APR and you couldn’t find a better deal with a private college loan, then financing your education would have some value. Other than that, the high balance students have - combined with the low number of students who pay their entire balance - makes it seem that additional financial education even at the high school level would be extremely valuable. Just don’t ask the credit card companies to foot the bill!