Never Pay For Gas with Cash - Use a Credit Card
Ярлыки: Credit CardWhen you go to a gas station, you have two choices. You can either walk up and hand the teller some cash or you can use a credit card. Besides just the convenience of using a credit card and being able to get out of there much faster, a credit card can actually save you a lot of money!
Most cash back or rewards credit cards, especially those that are linked to gas companies will actually give you 5% back on whatever money you spend with them on gas. So, yes, if you bought that same gas with cash, you would be spending 5% more.
Let me just put it this way, would you save spend $100 for something of $105. Of course you would chose the lower number.
Let's just, for a second, assume that you spend about $50 a week on gas (given the way the prices are raising, most spend even more)! This means that you are spending about $200 a month and $2,400 a year.
Well, if all you do is charge that gas to a credit card and delay paying it until the end of the month with 1 easy payment, you can instantly save $120/year.
It may not seem like a lot of money right now, but think about it:
- All you have to do is switch the method of payment.
- Credit card payment is actually easier
- Credit card payment is faster
- And, credit card payments help you build your credit score (as long as you make the payments on time).
But here's the kick! Most of these same cards will not only give you 5% on gas, but also on other places like groceries. The rest of the places they give you 1% back.
So, all you need to do is switch your method of payment and you can instantly start saving money on everything you buy, no matter what. Just make sure to stay within reason when you are using your credit card and only charge that that you know you can easily pay off.