Learning Fixed Deposits(FD) Interest Rates in Indian Banks

What is Fixed Deposits(FD)?

Fixed Deposits (FD) is a system where a person – known as a depositor – deposits a lump sum amount of money in bank at a predetermined fixed period. The longer the period of the fixed deposit, the higher is the interest rate the depositor earns. The number of days an amount may be entered into a fixed deposit scheme ranges from 15 days to 5 years. After maturity period of the fixed deposit, the depositor then acquires the lump sum amount equal to his principal deposit, plus interest thereon.

The Reserve Bank of India(RBI) ensures an effective policy and restriction for the safety of these bank fixed deposits. Interest rates on fixed deposits differ from various banks depending on the maturity periods and the amount of deposits. The amount of fixed deposits range from Rs.10 to as high as 100 million rupees. Interest rates for bank fixed deposits are dependent on the amount of the investment and its maturity period which ranges from 4 to 10 percent. (Effective October 1st 2008, State Bank of India (SBI) offers 10.5% for normal FD and 11% for the senior citizen). Below is a presentation of the interest rate a fixed deposit can yield for a given period of maturity: These rates taken while writing this article. Period of Maturity Annual Interest Rate (in percent)

Interest Rates for Fixed Deposits(FD)

15 - 29 days 4.00%

30 - 45 days 4.75%

46 - 90 days 5.25%

91 - 120 days 6.00%

121 - 180days 8.00%

181 - 364 days 8.50%

1 year – not more than 2 years 9.00%

2 years – not more than 3 years 9.25%

3 years – not more than 5 years 9.50%

Above five years 10.00%

All bank deposits in India are covered with insurance by the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Scheme of India and is, therefore, considered to be the safest investment form a depositor or investor can work on. Opening a Fixed Deposit Account is like opening a savings account after complying with the requirements where a deposit receipt is given to the depositor and is subject to updating within the period of the fixed deposit. It is necessary to update the account to verify if all transactions have been accounted for correctly.

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